My Portfolio

Kudzu: The Wilds

Kudzu: The Wilds Gameplay Video

Kudzu: the Wilds is a prototype of an educational simulation game where the player works to maintain a balanced ecosystem. The player learns about the potential dangers of invasive species as they have free reign to add creatures to the environment... some of which are not native to the region and can cause problems.

- 1 month
- 6 team members
- Built for PC

My Responsibilities:
- Lead producer
- Maintain Backlog
- Create sprint plans
- Hold one-on-one meetings
- Gameplay, level, & systems designer
- Music composition
- Find & implement SFX

I learned a great deal about art styles and sound design from this project. Settling on a style of art was tricky for this project, but luckily I had some very talented artists on the team who took lead and put us on a great path. Because I was responsible for audio editing and creation, I did have to develop my skills quite quickly to produce something that was of decent quality, and overall I’m quite happy with the result. Overall, I improved as a game developer, but more importantly, I learned how to make a game that wasn’t just for entertainment but also for education. 

I think one of my major takeaways while working on this project is that I should trust in the expertise of my team. If you surround yourself with talented individuals who are passionate about what they do, they will make your job so much easier. I’m very fortunate to have been able to work with such phenomenal individuals, and the product is made possible due to their hard work.

The game featured a functional season system that caused real-world changes to take place in the overworld of Kudzu.

The game featured a functional season system that caused real-world changes to take place in the overworld of Kudzu.

The game has a pretty complex ecosystem! We tried to give the player as much information as possible when they set out to balance the world.

The game has a pretty complex ecosystem! We tried to give the player as much information as possible when they set out to balance the world.