My Portfolio


b. 1986, HK.

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About Me

Hi, I'm Corbin White. I love movies, tennis, the theater, and the outdoors; but mostly, I'm passionate about video games. I've been developing games in Salt Lake since I went to school for game development in 2010. I've published a handful of games and have worked with some very talented individuals. I hope to develop games for the rest of my life. My passion fuels my work ethic and keeps me striving towards greatness in every project I am a part of.

I studied game development with an emphasis in art and film from the University of Utah. I then worked as an event coordinator for the University of Utah where I gained experience working with clients and delivering a polished product. Here I developed training materials and event details for a team of associates. While my primary duties were as an event coordinator, I never stopped developing. My capstone team at the University of Utah, Pinky Up Games, stayed together and released our title, ‘A Divided Light’ on Steam.

I then returned to the University of Utah EAE program as a master’s student in their video game production track. Here I worked on several projects and gained development experience in a wide variety of fields ranging from design, art, engineering, music, SFX, and of course, production. I also worked on some side projects, such as ‘Perspectives VR’, a custom game designed for The Leonardo Museum.

I now have the experience, skill set, and talent needed to develop video games professionally and successfully. I plan make unique, engaging experiences in this industry that I love for a very long time.

Please reach out to me via email at

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